Friday, April 07, 2006

Super Size Me

We just watched this documentary this evening - WOW - the numbers were impressive. Physically, the guy really didn't look obese after eating McD's three times a day for 30 days, but his insides were being disintegrated. Specifically, his liver was "pickling" because all the uric acid that was produced. Kinda makes you feel guilty when you eat at a fast food restaurant now. Go figure, we DID go to Captain D's for dinner today; that counts as fast food doesn't it? I personally don't like Filet-O-Fish because of the big glob of mayonnaise...yuck....but I do like Chick-fil-A and Wendy's. This film has really propogated interest in nutrition - organic foods, removal of "super sizing", premium salads and premium chicken. I tried that new premium chicken; it tasted pretty good but the flavoring they stuff into the chicken was so hot it almot burned by tongue. Another potential law suit in the makng :)


Blogger Sean said...

My cholesterol is 170

And I LOOOOOOVE MickeyD's...

10:37 PM  

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