Saturday, May 27, 2006

Save Mr. Hwang

Finally I have something worthwhile to blog. My life is totally boring (marriage is WAY overrated), so it's nice to talk about the exciting lives of my single friends.

We've got a friend named Karl Hwang who lives in Watkinsville, a small town near Athens, GA, home of the those damn ugly dogs (can you tell I went to Tech?), where he's a math teacher at Oconee High School. He's also a fellow civil engineer, but he decided his passion was teaching, and from I hear, he's pretty good at it. Anyway, the school did not renew his contract for the coming year, even though he's gotten great reviews and he was even teaching AP classes this year. Rumor is they want to hire a couple of new coaches, which have to teach classes, including math - why not PE or Health? So to pay for their salary, they aren't renewing several contracts. This caused an uproar among the students - they wore t-shirts saying "Save Mr Hwang", they petitioned to the school board, they started a blog on myspace and they even held a concert benefit - Hwangapalooza-stock-fest - in his honor. Wow.

Unfortunately the Board would not revert their decision. So Karl has accepted a position in Hawaii. He did get an offer from another Athens school, so he could have taken it and stuck it to them, but I guess he's just a nice guy. Aloha and good luck Karl.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Who loves gummi bears?

Found this on slickdeals... 5 lb bag of gummi bears, sugarless, for you healthy peeps, for $14.19, free shipping. I'm seriously thinking about buying this, but I'm going to need help. Maybe I'll bring in one of those big glass jars, like the one my co-worker Chris has for jelly beans, and leave them out for people to fish for their favorite color or flavor. By the way, who ate one of my red peeps? I suspect it is this guy named Jim who sits across from me, but seannibal is a likely culprit.