Saturday, March 18, 2006

Saint Patty's Day

Okay so I don't have an ounce of irish blood in me, but I do consider St. Patrick's Day a real holiday. I actually think you should wear green to avoid getting pinched. Seannibal wore his usual St. Patty's Day GREEN blazer to work on this very festive holiday and I couldn't help thinking about leprechauns, which then led me to think about Lucky Charms (the cereal). I remembered that I never really liked Lucky Charms and that I would only eat the marshmellows.

The year I lived in Savannah was memorable because of St. Patty's Day on River Street. We were standing on a balcony at one of the bars overlooking the wild scenery below. Guys were throwing beads to women for a quick flash and the cops would arrest them. And NO I wasn't one of them!

If you're really bored, check out Lucky the Leprechaun's "webisodes"

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A talented musician, a star in the making

This evening I went to see one of my childhood friends perform at Smiths Olde Bar. Seeing her on stage with her keyboard and guitar, I recalled the two of us, 10-year olds, sitting at a piano during our weekend sleepovers, seeing and playing duets. I knew she was talented then, but seeing her now, I have to say that I really admire her for being a professional musician, singer, songwriter, artist, the list goes on. As I am one of those people diagnosed with stagefright, you won't be seeing me on a stage in front of a crowd singing my heart out, atleast not without a couple of shots. Anyway, check out Janie's web page and listen to her album. Does Aimee Mann come to mind?

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Lyrics of my life..... at this moment

You ever have one of those days or even weeks when you get all philosophical and start over analyzing everything you do, reacting negatively to what people say, and just feeling like crap? Then you pop in one of those old cds you used to listen to in highschool amd think "this guy's singing exactly what I'm feeling! Damn!

"Do you have the time to listen to me whine [yes, I've been whiny about work lately]
About nothing and everything all at once [silly and immature I know]
I am one of those Melodramatic fools [does overly sensitive count?]
Neurotic to the bone No doubt about it [irrational]
Sometimes I give myself the creeps [especially since I dreamed I was getting bit by rattle snakes...]
Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me [ditto]
It all keeps adding up I think I'm cracking up [ seriously]
Am I just paranoid?" [maybe a little]

I seriously felt like quitting work and find something else more exciting. Ironically, my boss asks me today if something was wrong. Maybe Mapgeek instigated it. Thanks alot Mapgeek. Or maybe it's time for a vacation! I need recommendations on where to go, preferably somewhere warm and outdoorsy. Suggestions?